Contact Info
We enjoy helping people plan their trips on Kodiak Island, and we’re more than happy to answer your every question.
Marion and Marty Owen
1223 Kouskov
Kodiak, AK 99615 USA
907-539-5009 (Marion’s mobile)
Email: mygarden(@)
What our street name “Kouskov” means...
In the mid 1700s, Russian trappers began hunting sea otters in Alaska. Their first settlement was near present-day Kodiak. Within a few years though, the outposts in Alaska were in desperate need of food, so a Russian exploring and sea-otter hunting expedition sailed for California. It was headed by Ivan Aleksandrovich Kouskov. On January 8, 1809, Kuskov’s ship, the Kodiak, anchored in Bodega Bay, just north of San Francisco.
The Russians stayed about eight months, trapping otters and surveying the land. And setup an outpost 18 miles north of Bodega Bay, on a bluff overlooking a harbor. Here the Russians built a fort made of redwood logs. A log stockade surrounded nine buildings including a large house and a chapel. The stockade had blockhouses and cannons to defend the fort. Outside the stockade were other buildings used as workshops, storehouses, and quarters for the Aleuts. On the beach was a wharf, a tannery, and a place where ships were built. The fort, known as Fort Ross, was dedicated on August 13, 1812.
If you are in the Bodega Bay area, a visit to Fort Ross is well worth it.

Contact us now
Kodiak, AK 99615
Visit Us in Kodiak
A visit to Kodiak endears you with bragging rights! We invite you to experience what many people say when they come here: “Wow, this is real Alaska!” If you enjoy hiking, sipping a latte or micro-brew beer, kayaking, bear viewing, gardening (how do you grow stuff in Alaska, anyway?), discovering local art, reading a good book on the beach, or taking pictures, Kodiak is for you.
We are longtime residents of Kodiak. Marion is an accomplished photographer and taught photography classes through the University of Alaska for 15 years. She continues to host photography workshops.
Marty was Kodiak's harbormaster for 20 years and his family roots in Kodiak date back to the 1930's. Lots of local knowledge, history and fun stories to share...